Thursday, November 29, 2012

Banksy Mischief

quite simply: Our next project
But this definitely isn't just some simple project. This is definitely more. It's soooo cool. It's actually fun and very interesting. 
What's this project exactly? It's Banksy MischiefWe've been working on this for a while now. We were to make street art on our campus.

What is the main attribute of street art? Well, it tells a story or has a message behind it. It's real. Well, that's how all of the street art I've seen seems to be. It makes sense though. If you were to make an illegal work of art in public, it should be for a reason. If you're risking your being, it should be a real reason that actually matters. It should be news that the public needs to know. Banksy is obviously the best and most notable example (you can check out the post here: ). I originally was fueled to be as extreme about things as he was, but this is a school project and there are rules on campus.

Let's look at the artwork:

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Jay - z : A real rapper
I think that Jay-Z is pretty legit. I wasn't so sure in the beginning, but I think that now. I guess it's because I read his book. Jay-Z's Decoded is a sort of autobiography about his own life. It addresses some very interesting things concerning the realness of his rapping.

This book was written very well. I mean, it's great. I didn't know that what Jay-Z rapped about was so real. I think that I'll be listening to his lyrics a lot more now. Maybe rap in general. Some of these lyrics are really genuine. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Science behind Rhythm

DJ spooky
That's a weird name, in my opinion. But still there's something behind it (I'm learning that there's something behind just about everything). Anyways, this spooky guy wrote a book, Rhythm Science, where he explains how art is made "from the flow of patterns in sound and culture". 

This is the notable thing: Technology is the medium behind this book. Technology. It explains how technology is being used create music. And not just music, but a new form of rhythm. He says that technology brings the artists consciousness and the outside world together. I think this is very notable because technology is so prevalent today. Technology's really changing everything. I mean DJ spooky's really just talking about how technology is changing music. I looked at more than just that though. I mean I realized that it's not just the music, but a change in society. This just gives us more evidence to prove the technology is so influential to us. 

It's just that it seems it is the root cause of all the change that out generation sees. Or rather it explains all of the change that our era has been seeing. What else will change?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Living Walls

Street art is too cool
We were to read an article in this very interesting newspaper called Creative Loafing. It's actually very cool. I actually learned about this news source a week ago after using Google's new app called "Field Trip". It's so awesome! You learn about all of the places near you. Creative Loafing tells you about interesting, creative places. The app uses it as a source really. 

Anyways, we read an article in it called Living Walls. It was very interesting (READ ARTICLE HERE (Living Walls Article) ). This event, which occurs annually was hosted in Atlanta last year. I disappointed that I did not know of it when it happened because it really does seem cool. The theme was female artists. All of these female artists came and drew street art all around Atlanta. The purpose was to make the city more beautiful. It added a dynamic, artistic presence that the city could really use. I suppose it made the city look more cultured. I can see how this could have a positive effect on all the citizens there. 

Tika was an artist that really caught my attention. Her art is very different. Look at this:

It's very cool. and soooooo different. Do check out the article and look at the other artists. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Banksy is awesome

Probably the most favorite thing we've done in our english class so far. We discussed street art and it's realness. We ended by watching the movie Exit through the Gift Shop. It was very very good. Anyways, it raises a lot of interesting questions.
First of all, you've got to see this guy Banksy. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

What do I believe in?

I believe in us
Well that's the name of the essay that I wrote. This essay was written for a contest that pretty much our entire class was going for. The guidelines are right here:
I suppose that this essay has a primary purpose of getting someone to explain something interesting and different that they believe in. You have to support your claims with interesting ideas and personal examples from you life. There seems to be a lot of freedom on how you discuss. For example, if you really believe in love, you would have to explain love and how it effects us all. Is it something really important? This is a very interesting essay. And because of it's length requirement, it must be short and to the point. Like I said, my essay is on "I believe in Us". 

Before I discuss it too much, here is the essay as I turned it in below:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A New Definition of Authenticity

It makes authenticity so much more trivial. Good actors can convince people that they are a certain type of people. I guess that actors are genuine aces at being fake. Shields talks about a new definition of realness and genuineness. He says that there is a difference between wearing masks and being different people. I suppose the masks are a fake you, where you act as you are not. A different you would be something that is genuinely you and not a fake you. 
Actors in this case would wear masks. Someone who is very flexible would be a truly genuine person. We could use an example of a theoretical CIA agent.

This theoretical CIA agent could be the most genuine. He is a serious agent when working, but a family man at home. He is not being fake, but flexible.